Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Charles Gordon 1626

I worked with Max Ragan and Nathan Foster to complete my film. Our brief was to make a short film. We decided to use the genre 'Horror'. he Title of our production is 'Down and Out'. I did a verity of research and planning which i documented on my blog.  I presented this work in the form of info-graphics such as Emaze and Prezi. We also created social media pages, a film website and a film postcard to market our final product. 

I took responsibility for directing the production. This included working out camera angles, story boarding and on set directing- I also directed my acting deciding movement, facial expressions as well as the different aspects of dialogue. 

Max Ragan took the main responsibility with the Editing process. However, I also overlooked the editing process thus making sure we had multiple opinions on the editing in our production. I helped suggest areas to focus the films' climax's at, as well as which which sound FX to use in our film.

As our film had some complex angles and ideas, we all worked together when deciding the camera work. Being very specific with what shots we were using and making sure that they all linked together smoothly.

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